All you need is P5000 and some balls...
Beside Metro Walk they have one of those E-Casino places..its right beside the billiards place Gutsons. They're open 24 hours a day. Anyway, inorder to win a free meal at Behrouz that usually costs P250 is to use your P5000 and a thing called progressive betting...my friends and I call it "the system." At E-casino you're allowed to bet a minimum of P25 at war and black jack...all you have to do is bet P25...
if you win bet P25 again...
if you lose bet P50....
if you lose again bet P100
if you lose again bet P200
if you lose again bet P400
if you lose again bet P800 (your balls should be hard at work by now sir)
if you lose again (highly unlikely you'l lose 6 coin tosses in a row) bet P1600
Just make sure that everytime you win, go back to betting P25...so if you're already betting P200 and you win, make sure your next bet is P25. And make sure you use this system at games that are 50/50. Like sometimes I play this dice game where you just bet over or under.
Anyways, I've done this system like 5 times already and its alway paid for my food at Behrouz, the key is to walk away when youre up P250 which usually takes 10mins. One time i was able to make P1k turn into P5k just by using the system and it took around 30mins.
A word of caution tho, this plan really isnt full proof, I mean I heard that the worst run a guy had in vegas was losing 22 hands in a row or something. But it seems to work alot when you use it to pay for Behrouz. The gambling gods must like persian food or something.haha
Beside Metro Walk they have one of those E-Casino places..its right beside the billiards place Gutsons. They're open 24 hours a day. Anyway, inorder to win a free meal at Behrouz that usually costs P250 is to use your P5000 and a thing called progressive betting...my friends and I call it "the system." At E-casino you're allowed to bet a minimum of P25 at war and black jack...all you have to do is bet P25...
if you win bet P25 again...
if you lose bet P50....
if you lose again bet P100
if you lose again bet P200
if you lose again bet P400
if you lose again bet P800 (your balls should be hard at work by now sir)
if you lose again (highly unlikely you'l lose 6 coin tosses in a row) bet P1600
if you lose again bet P3200 (start praying...be proud that your balls have held up...and dont blame me if you lose, you make your own choices) hehe
Just make sure that everytime you win, go back to betting P25...so if you're already betting P200 and you win, make sure your next bet is P25. And make sure you use this system at games that are 50/50. Like sometimes I play this dice game where you just bet over or under.
Anyways, I've done this system like 5 times already and its alway paid for my food at Behrouz, the key is to walk away when youre up P250 which usually takes 10mins. One time i was able to make P1k turn into P5k just by using the system and it took around 30mins.
A word of caution tho, this plan really isnt full proof, I mean I heard that the worst run a guy had in vegas was losing 22 hands in a row or something. But it seems to work alot when you use it to pay for Behrouz. The gambling gods must like persian food or something.haha
Dr.Blunt: Can i have one Kobideh...one yoghurt shake...and one order of brain please?
Waiter: Nope, you look to stoned
Dr.Blunt: Ok sir (afterwards i give the waiter a stone cold stunner)
Dr.Blunt: And that's the bottom line cuz Dr.Blunt said so
See you at Behrouz...hope "The system" paid for your meal.
Dr.Blunt signing off