Thursday, September 07, 2006

If poker were a guy named Pedro...i'd be Pedro's bitch

Hi, my name is Dr. Blunt and for the past year and a half I've had one freakishly wild relationship with poker. I don't even really know if this relationship is good or bad..all i know is at one point of my life poker became the driving force of almost all my actions. My mind was always thinking of when and where i could hit a table...and when i was actually at a table i couldn't think of any place I'd rather be. I know i sound like a poker addict and in reality i see now that i truly was. In fact the only reason why I've stopped playing is simply because of poor bank roll management. The funny thing is i'm positive that i've won more times than ive lost, its just that i tend to squander my winnings at tables where the stakes are too high.

(smokes a pipe load)

Now i know that the key to being a successful poker player is proper bank roll management. i had to learn this the hard way...but its all good, we make mistakes...i just gotta make sure i don't make the same mistake twice. Gotta build the proper bankroll and do things right.

I recently got a new job that pays really well compared to what most companies offer. The only drawback being the hours aren't poker friendly. Nope, its not a call center, but more of a back office for the headquarters back in the States. For the next three months my goal is to save up P50000 for my bankroll and put up an online account. I figure playing online will allow me to keep my job and at the same time enable the freedom to play poker at convenient times. I'm gonna miss hitting the live games tho, hopefully I'll get to pass by the places i used to play every now and then.

I've always been a faithful reader of the Filipino poker blogs. I've learned a lot from their posts and I gotta give respect to what they're doing. I thinks its really cool of them to share their experiences while at the same time offer good advice to those who ask. Hopefully this blog will be just as successful. I don't consider myself the best poker player out there, but I'd be happy to share my opinions and thoughts on certain poker topics and "what to do situations."

I wont be the only person putting up posts on this blog, rather there are 5 of us who will share our poker story to anyone who views this blog. If you don't already know we call ourselves the "Stoner poker detectives" and as the name implies, we do enjoy playing poker as well as smoking up some bud. In fact almost 90% of the time we play poker we're hella stoned. We call ourselves detectives because we like to compare poker situations to crime scenes...cuz if you think about it the two are similar in a lot of ways. Just read the little write up about who we are (located on the upper right of the screen) and you'll undesrstand. You'd be surprise of the amazing things you can think of when your stoned, I'll be sharing a lot of these stoner thoughts on this blog. These are the types of topics we'll be you can count on a lot of poker and weed friendly articles on this blog.

This is Dr.Blunt signing off for now. Peace

(smokes another pipe load and drives off to Behrouz to eat Beef Kebabs and ice cream)


GameFrog said...

Saw your post at pokermanila. Anyway drop by our blogs and post your link there so more poker bloggers can get to know you.

Have you been to mine?

Links there to other poker players

Dr.Blunt, Sir HASH been, The Ladies Man, Mr. Wake and Bake, and GUDO said...

ya, i've been to your sight and congratulations on all your online success. i found your point on MTT as the way to go really interesting...and it makes alot of sense. Best of luck...and may you flop the nuts many many times.

GameFrog said...

Thanks.... errr to all 5 of you?

Dr.Blunt, Sir HASH been, The Ladies Man, Mr. Wake and Bake, and GUDO said...

hahaha my bad..this is Dr.Blunt pala. i'm kinda spearheading our blog and i gotta find a way that each member of our team can post a comment individually. I dont want people getting confused and all...thanks for pointing that out tho gamefrog.