Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Poker is.......

Poker is....a dirty SLUT that's only in it for the money.

with that in mind....

A good player uses the Dirty Slut wisely and can therefore consider themselves a" poker pimp"

A bad player pays the dirty slut for sex and goes home broke with a chance of a brand spanking new STD.

So if you want to be a good poker player practice your "pimp slap" often.. (SLAP DAT SHIT)

"a pimp slap is the act of slapping someone using the back of your hand....also known as the turkey slap."

And if you plan on losing at the tables...make sure to wear a condom so you dont get an STD from the dirty slut that we all know as POKER.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

in hibernation...

Thoughts from Dr.Blunt....

It's been more than 2 months since i've played poker in an actual card room. The last tournament i joined was a last ditch effort to come up with the bankroll for me and my fellow poker detectives. I almost made it to the final table but busted out 11th. I knew exactly how i lost it...i changed gears at the wrong times. Played too tight when i shouldve been loose...played overly agressive, too a point where it was obvious I was trying to buy my way out.

What's weird is, losing the tournament turned out to be a blessing in the sense that it forced me to a job. I end up getting lucky and land a great job for a US based compnay that just put up a back office here in the Philippines. The pay is good, i literally have days when i do nothing but surf the internet and my boss is really cool. The only problem is, i got the night shift so i cant hit the tables. Like by the weekend i miss my girlfriend and my friends so i always hangout with them instead of playing poker. I do miss playing in real poker clubs tho, there just isnt enough time.

I know eventually i'll hit the scene again regularly. In the meantime i'll continue to daydreaming about the tables.

a quote from rounders....

MIKE: In Confessions of a Winning Poker Player, Jack King said, "Few players recall big pots they have won -- strange as it seems -- but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career." Seems true to me, 'cause walking in here I can hardly remember how I built my bankroll, but I can't stop thinking how I lost it.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Stuff to think about.....

A great find by Dr.Blunt...

I didnt write this but i found it really interesting. It was posted by a guy named "Peter Popper" in "Hipforums" under the topic entitled "mind fucks."

The entire universe is mind-like in nature, created out of living, conscious, intelligent energy - everything including thoughts in your mind, cells in your body, plants, animals, weather, money, planets and galaxies. We live in this Infinite Ocean of Living Intelligent Energy and moreover - because we comprise it, we are It. Quantum physicists speak of it as quantum reality, spiritual traditions as spiritual reality (God, Tao, etc), and what you need to keep in mind is that it permeates what we call "physical reality", too.

Everything is interconnected - and that is why you already are influencing everything - from your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing to someone else's - regardless of whether that someone else is physically present or not. Remember? The universe in which we live is mind-like in nature. The moment you think a thought, you are exerting an influence (energy follows thought). The extent of your influence will depend upon the energy invested in the thought you think, and any other relevant thought.

Hypnosis is an art because there is infinite number of ways in which you can play with and alter subjective reality - yours, or someone else's. The secret of successful self-hypnosis is in learning how to play the game of pretending really well. You choose what you want to experience and pretend that it is real for you now.

The truth is - you have been playing this game your entire life - perhaps unconsciously and unknowingly. To be sure, people around you helped - in different ways they influenced how you should think and act and feel - and then you continued to make your choices and created experiences that validated the perception of the world you accepted. In time you set up a feed-back loop - you think a thought, then look for something in the external world to validate it and confirm it. This in turn, reinforces the original thought, and as the same pattern repeats, you reinforce your chosen beliefs about reality. Your beliefs then influence your experience of reality automatically. If you don't like what you are experiencing you can begin by changing your thoughts by choosing what you want to experience and taking care and control of your mind.

If you don't care to take control of your mind, others will do their best to do it for you. It begins with your parents who most often do have your best interests at heart, though they can only teach you what they have learned. It then continues with educational institutions whose main interest is in turning you into a socially-productive individual who will pledge allegiance to and feel dependent upon the external world or rather the powers that govern the specific country. It is not in their interest to turn you into a fearless human being who is fully aware of and capable of using his mental faculties, who knows that his thoughts create his reality, because then you cannot be controlled and manipulated. It is in their interest to keep you feeling slightly anxious, afraid, slightly inadequate, insecure, and helpless - feeling good enough to be socially productive, but not so good that you stop participating in a never-ending chain of purchasing pills and goodies that will at least for a few moments make you feel a little bit better. In this way you keep on fueling economy, which is good for the country.

That's why, after you get sufficiently brainwashed through the schooling system, you get more helpings through daily newspapers, news and TV programs. In this way, your mind gets a new daily dose of programming with fresh disasters in the world, lest you forget that there is a possible danger lurking behind every corner. You get more helpings through flashy advertisements. They are all happily programming your subconscious mind, whether you are aware of it or not.

Companies are investing billions of dollars each year on advertising because it is a wonderful way of hypnotizing people - of influencing people's thoughts and emotions - and it works. When you keep on flashing an idea - whether through words, pictures, music, movies or any other form - day in and day out - it becomes so familiar to the people that they accept it as their own.

You can do the same for yourself - by flashing to yourself ideas of the things you desire to experience in your life and out of the infinite ways in which you can do this here are just a few - choosing the thoughts you think, working with affirmations, using hypnosis recordings, hanging out with people who have accomplished what you desire to accomplish, choosing what you read and what you watch, choosing the songs you listen to, making treasure maps and essentially surrounding yourself with anything that helps you to keep your mind focused on your desired outcome - as if it were already a part of your life now. You are the only person responsible for your life. Let go of the past and embrace your power to create the life you'd enjoy living now.