I played in the charity event last saturday....re-bought 3 times...made it to around 40 players left and busted out when my opponent made her set of 8's on the river against my pair of Aces. I'd tell you the entire story of the hand, but fuck it...Its all good and bad beat stories get annoying after awhile.
"It's for charity" ......Must heard that statement over 50 times by players during the tournament. I said it around 3 times I think....and you know what i realized while i was playing...it feels good to say "It's for charity" and the reason is cuz it feels good to do something good.
I mean fuck it...when's the last time before this charity tournament you did something for charity. By charity I mean giving to the complete strangers who are poor, sick, suffering or all of the above. The last time I gave to charity was Christmas 2005 when i drove 3 hours to Barangay Citrus somewhere in the North to give a family a box of food and some money.
Why did I do this?
Cuz I made them a promise I would when i lived with them for 3 days.
Anyways, why am I sharing this with you? Its not to brag about me doing a good thing. I'd rather cut off my dick than be one of those types of guys. I'm sharing this with you cuz after I did it....It felt really good...It felt FREAKING AMAZING to help out people with out asking or expecting a thing in return.
Maybe some of you wanna try it out....I mean next time you see a street kid or a blind old person knocking on your car door...give them a freakin bill or coins that are P5 or more. None of that 25 centabo crap on the bottom of your cars cup holder shit.
Kinda sucks that I realized, that when I was telling people to join the charity tournament that most of them asked what the prizes were. I wish I told them "How bout the prize of feeling fucking good after doing a good deed."
Ey Maverick, for the next charity tournament, put the main prizes as "The good feeling of helping out the poor." The other giveaways and trips should be marketed as like consolation prizes for the top finishers. But the MAIN PRIZE that everyone gets, is that feeling of helping out and doing good. I dont know if it will work...I hope it does tho, cuz if it doesnt...it would mean alot of people tend to think "whats in it for me materially?" all the time...and that would suck.
I mean when the hell did people start thinking that it hurts to help people out? HAve you ever heard someone say "Cmon, it wouldnt hurt to give a little more..." Now you can tell them, "ofcourse it wont hurt..it feels good to give more. " Do you get what im saying? Like why are we brainwashed in thinking that it hurts, or its a hassle or its painful to help people out...thats just plain bullshit man..
Anyways, i gotta go...my shift at work just ended.
Damn I dont know if what i worte makes any sense but i'm gonna try continuing on this train of thought for awhile and see what i can come up with.
Dr Blunt is going to shut down his computer now.
Keep sending me the good vibrations.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
One good Spliff
Shit...its been more than 1 month since my last post. Where did the time go? Oh fuck it...just make sure not to waste anymore time sitting on my ass. And in times when all I can do is sit on my ass, I'll make sure to suck in the experience for all its worth. I read a cool article from an email I got...here's a part of it...
Many of us live our lives running behind time, but we only reach it when we die of a heart attack or in a car accident rushing to be on time. Others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present, which is the only time that truly exists. We all have equal time throughout the world. No one has more or less. The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time. We need to live each moment. As JohnLennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making otherplans".
The Experiment
The experiment to bankroll the Ladies man in order to play 700 hours and collect P100,000 has been canned. Mainly due to the fact that the Ladies Man still has to prove himself worthy of accepting being bankrolled. I mean you guys read his post right? "the new beginning," How the hell will I know if you re using the money I'm gonna give you on poker or blowing it on your other gimmick needs. Sorry man, the situation is just too shady until proven otherwise...which I hope you will eventually do. You've made the first step by admitting you have a problem, now please show me it ain't all talk.
Played in ACF....
Sunday, 3 of us went to ACF to play some poker. Table were full when we arrived so we played WAR downstairs and started off really hot. It was sick..Dealer would show King and we would flip over an "Ace." I think we won around 8 hands in a row. I ended up losing all my winnings tho and headed back up stairs to play some poker. Played around 3 hours and won P1700...I lost a 500 pot tho in my 2ND to the last hand when my A10 was outdrawn by A5 who got the 2 pair. On the way home, I'm back into my playing poker for a living mentality and I'm going for it by the middle of this year. I'm still planning my exit strategy from work.
Playing in the Charity event....
Going to galle tom to play the charity event. I've already got a bunch of joint rolled up and I cant wait to hot box in the parking lot while waiting for it start or during the breaks if I make it deep. I haven't smoked up in 3 weeks cuz I just renewed my drivers license. I made sure I was clean cuz 3 years ago I got tested positive but was still able to get my license by some miracle. When a test gets tested positive they send it to PNP for further testing. If it gets tested positive there your license gets suspended for 6 months. When my results got back from PNP they were Negative and I was happy as hell.
Anyways..I'll post how I do in the charity tournament.
The first high after 3 weeks...That's gonna be One good spliff. Lets hit some pancakes after the tournament.
Dr. Blunt Signing off...Stay away from chemicals! Stick to Herb!
Keep giving me the good vibrations...
Many of us live our lives running behind time, but we only reach it when we die of a heart attack or in a car accident rushing to be on time. Others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present, which is the only time that truly exists. We all have equal time throughout the world. No one has more or less. The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time. We need to live each moment. As JohnLennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making otherplans".
The Experiment
The experiment to bankroll the Ladies man in order to play 700 hours and collect P100,000 has been canned. Mainly due to the fact that the Ladies Man still has to prove himself worthy of accepting being bankrolled. I mean you guys read his post right? "the new beginning," How the hell will I know if you re using the money I'm gonna give you on poker or blowing it on your other gimmick needs. Sorry man, the situation is just too shady until proven otherwise...which I hope you will eventually do. You've made the first step by admitting you have a problem, now please show me it ain't all talk.
Played in ACF....
Sunday, 3 of us went to ACF to play some poker. Table were full when we arrived so we played WAR downstairs and started off really hot. It was sick..Dealer would show King and we would flip over an "Ace." I think we won around 8 hands in a row. I ended up losing all my winnings tho and headed back up stairs to play some poker. Played around 3 hours and won P1700...I lost a 500 pot tho in my 2ND to the last hand when my A10 was outdrawn by A5 who got the 2 pair. On the way home, I'm back into my playing poker for a living mentality and I'm going for it by the middle of this year. I'm still planning my exit strategy from work.
Playing in the Charity event....
Going to galle tom to play the charity event. I've already got a bunch of joint rolled up and I cant wait to hot box in the parking lot while waiting for it start or during the breaks if I make it deep. I haven't smoked up in 3 weeks cuz I just renewed my drivers license. I made sure I was clean cuz 3 years ago I got tested positive but was still able to get my license by some miracle. When a test gets tested positive they send it to PNP for further testing. If it gets tested positive there your license gets suspended for 6 months. When my results got back from PNP they were Negative and I was happy as hell.
Anyways..I'll post how I do in the charity tournament.
The first high after 3 weeks...That's gonna be One good spliff. Lets hit some pancakes after the tournament.
Dr. Blunt Signing off...Stay away from chemicals! Stick to Herb!
Keep giving me the good vibrations...
Saturday, February 17, 2007
The "Beginning" of a "New" Life
Read the title. I put emphasis on the words beginning and new. If you’re asking why, I have been enlightened. I want to start a new life, a better life. I have had my share of ups and downs like any other human being in this world. Unfortunately for me, I have suffered more setbacks leading to a problematic life at the early age of 22. That is why I’m pleased to say that my days of debauchery are over. I won’t deny the fact that I had fun while it lasted and also, the drugs. They were awesome… I will forever miss the times wherein I would just smoke everyday and do nothing. The times wherein I would go out 3 or 4 times a week and get really hammered, drinking all my problems away and putting my A-game for the ladies. Haha! The timely visits to the bathroom doing blow with my friends and going out like I was on top of the world. The hundreds of shots of jagermeister which made me speak German in no time and using it as a pickup line for all the ladies out there. Haha! ( It can be pathetic but it actually works). The numerous times when I would get home at 7 or 8 a.m. with the sun shinning so bright and traffic… really bad. My first heartbreak which took me months to get over. The debts that I owed people because of my gambling. Up to this point, I still owe people a lot of money, and what do I do? Instead of saving up and paying them back, I fucking go out, drink a lot and buy drugs. How fucking stupid is that?! And the worst thing is I turn to dealing drugs just to pay them off. I’m putting myself in a worse position. There are a lot more that I would like to share but I don’t want to say every single mistake I’ve made. It would be just a waste of time. This time, I want things to be different. I want to straighten out my life and get my shit together. I will finally graduate in June (Hopefully). I will quit taking and/or buying blow even if its hard cos it has been a part of my lifestyle. I want a 360 degree change in my life. I know there is more to life than just a night of heavy drinking and meaningless conversations just to flirt with a girl you like. The cheap thrills of a young blood. Haha! Now, it will all change. I will most likely stop going out first and take it from there. Get a job, pay off my debts, be a more disciplined and family-oriented person. I want to have a more profound relationship with my friends, especially my family and God. I know the people who know me will laugh the first time they read this post but I’m dead serious. I will prove everyone wrong and at the end of day, I will be victorious with this mission of mine. Being in this blog has been a privilege and I will forever be grateful that I was a part of it. Thanks people. This has been the ladies man, signing off for good… P.S. Have a good one everyone. Everyone deserves a happy life and whatever happens, always look at the Brightside of things, eventually you will come to your sense as I have.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A whole bunch of shit....
First of all...I would like to apologize for not having posted anything in more than a month. My lame ass excuse is because I was too busy playing minesweeper and solitaire at work instead of thinking of a good post to write.
I don't why I'm feeling paranoid tonight but I just want to make it clear that all the members of Stoner poker do indeed smoke mary-jane but we aren't "burnouts." We're just users of a friendly herb called cannabis. And as of late, I would like to share with you all I hardly get stoned anymore. I used to smoke every day...then it became every weekend...and now its usually once every 2 weeks. If you re stoned please try eating the chocolate marble pancakes in pancake house. They will make your panties all wet I swear. And foe anyone who orders a waffles instead of pancakes in pancake house, please do me a favor and slap yourself in the face! Waffles suck compared to pancakes and I'm willing to get into a debate with anyone who says otherwise.
I have no idea where this post is heading but who the hell cares, I'm having fun writing. haha
Oh ya, I played in the P500k guaranteed Sunday tournament 2 weeks ago. Before this I hadn't played poker in over a month and boy did the rust show. I was so rusty I was checking after hitting trips on the flop with the flush draw showing on the board and calling when I knew i was up against the made flush. "Ouch" I just punched myself in the dick cuz that's how mad I am at myself for making such a bonehead play. Anyways, its all good...I've gotten over it and I cant wait to play in another tournament.
New topic: "The Experiment"
Anyways, one of us here at stoner poker is planning to live in the casino for 7 weeks. Why? In order to cash in the bonus money you get for playing a certain number of hours. Were just trying to work out a few minor details about the experiment but our goal is to register 100 hours of playing time a week. This is not a joke and our guy from stoner poker is really considering putting in the time and effort to achieve this goal. I'll keep you readers (if there are any) posted on the progress of "the experiment."
I also wanna give my props to Nutsboy. This guy is really friendly and a pioneer in the online poker scene in the Philippines.
Till my next post...Zombie blunt signing off.
I don't why I'm feeling paranoid tonight but I just want to make it clear that all the members of Stoner poker do indeed smoke mary-jane but we aren't "burnouts." We're just users of a friendly herb called cannabis. And as of late, I would like to share with you all I hardly get stoned anymore. I used to smoke every day...then it became every weekend...and now its usually once every 2 weeks. If you re stoned please try eating the chocolate marble pancakes in pancake house. They will make your panties all wet I swear. And foe anyone who orders a waffles instead of pancakes in pancake house, please do me a favor and slap yourself in the face! Waffles suck compared to pancakes and I'm willing to get into a debate with anyone who says otherwise.
I have no idea where this post is heading but who the hell cares, I'm having fun writing. haha
Oh ya, I played in the P500k guaranteed Sunday tournament 2 weeks ago. Before this I hadn't played poker in over a month and boy did the rust show. I was so rusty I was checking after hitting trips on the flop with the flush draw showing on the board and calling when I knew i was up against the made flush. "Ouch" I just punched myself in the dick cuz that's how mad I am at myself for making such a bonehead play. Anyways, its all good...I've gotten over it and I cant wait to play in another tournament.
New topic: "The Experiment"
Anyways, one of us here at stoner poker is planning to live in the casino for 7 weeks. Why? In order to cash in the bonus money you get for playing a certain number of hours. Were just trying to work out a few minor details about the experiment but our goal is to register 100 hours of playing time a week. This is not a joke and our guy from stoner poker is really considering putting in the time and effort to achieve this goal. I'll keep you readers (if there are any) posted on the progress of "the experiment."
I also wanna give my props to Nutsboy. This guy is really friendly and a pioneer in the online poker scene in the Philippines.
Till my next post...Zombie blunt signing off.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Last post of Dr.Blunt....First post of....
Here's the thing, I've been working the night shift for the past 3 months...My days are freaking backwards man. I start to melt when i get in contact with the sun. Because of this i have decided to morph into a new poker alter ego that i feel suits me more.
This is the last post of Dr. Blunt....
From now on I shall be known as ZOMBIE BLUNT.
I like that name better and it seems to be more suitable to my current situation. The only way to kill a zombie is to shoot him in the head. I'm gonna be the first zombie to wear a helmet...then i'll be able to live forever...in search of nice brains to eat.
This is Zombie blunt signing off.
This is the last post of Dr. Blunt....
From now on I shall be known as ZOMBIE BLUNT.
I like that name better and it seems to be more suitable to my current situation. The only way to kill a zombie is to shoot him in the head. I'm gonna be the first zombie to wear a helmet...then i'll be able to live forever...in search of nice brains to eat.
This is Zombie blunt signing off.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The Legend of the first live filipino Blogger tournament

A small group of friends decide to go to the beach for a weekend. During the first night they all gather around a nice bonfire. The sound of the waves gently crahsing the shore and the stars lighting up the night sky.
The friends begin taking turns telling great stories. Starting off with stories of funny expereinces they've had over the years..leading to the usual scary stories about haunted houses in the provinces and stuff. Its a great time and the group is having a blast.
Then something strange happens...a stoned looking stranger who happens to be walking along the beach sees the happy group sitting around the fire. The stranger approaches and without saying a word he takes an empty seat. Everyone is quiet and is wondering why all of a sudden a stranger sat down in front of them.
just as the silence around the bonfire becomes unbearably awkward, the stranger opens his mouth and begins to speak....
Stranger: This is the tale of The legend of the first live filipino Blogger tournament.
There once lived a group of people who against all odds...forged together to play one of the best poker games in the universe as we know it.
Many say the odds were against them. Nature tried to stop them from coming by conjuring up a super-typhoon. But even this couldnt stop 20 fine bloggers from showing up to play some fine poker.
Sad to say only a few have an idea of what exactly transpired that night...some may say it was just a bunch of people drinking and playing cards. But i say it was a night wherein a group of people were able to understand and bond with one another. A night wherein a simple card game was able to bring together a group of people who probably wouldve never met otherwise.
How do i know about this wonderful legend...because I am Dr. Blunt and (in the words of Barb)
....I lived it.
The stranger stands up and takes a deep breath and begins to walk away. The group of friends around the fire remain silent for a minute or two with deep-thinking looks on thier faces...
Then one them says: "geez,what a freaking psycho."
The friends begin taking turns telling great stories. Starting off with stories of funny expereinces they've had over the years..leading to the usual scary stories about haunted houses in the provinces and stuff. Its a great time and the group is having a blast.
Then something strange happens...a stoned looking stranger who happens to be walking along the beach sees the happy group sitting around the fire. The stranger approaches and without saying a word he takes an empty seat. Everyone is quiet and is wondering why all of a sudden a stranger sat down in front of them.
just as the silence around the bonfire becomes unbearably awkward, the stranger opens his mouth and begins to speak....
Stranger: This is the tale of The legend of the first live filipino Blogger tournament.
There once lived a group of people who against all odds...forged together to play one of the best poker games in the universe as we know it.
Many say the odds were against them. Nature tried to stop them from coming by conjuring up a super-typhoon. But even this couldnt stop 20 fine bloggers from showing up to play some fine poker.
Sad to say only a few have an idea of what exactly transpired that night...some may say it was just a bunch of people drinking and playing cards. But i say it was a night wherein a group of people were able to understand and bond with one another. A night wherein a simple card game was able to bring together a group of people who probably wouldve never met otherwise.
How do i know about this wonderful legend...because I am Dr. Blunt and (in the words of Barb)
....I lived it.
The stranger stands up and takes a deep breath and begins to walk away. The group of friends around the fire remain silent for a minute or two with deep-thinking looks on thier faces...
Then one them says: "geez,what a freaking psycho."
oh and if there some grammar and spelling mistakes in this post...please bear with me, i was hella stoned when i was writing it.
Peace...lets all gather together nice toight and have a group hug.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Poker is.......
Poker is....a dirty SLUT that's only in it for the money.
with that in mind....
A good player uses the Dirty Slut wisely and can therefore consider themselves a" poker pimp"
A bad player pays the dirty slut for sex and goes home broke with a chance of a brand spanking new STD.
So if you want to be a good poker player practice your "pimp slap" often.. (SLAP DAT SHIT)
"a pimp slap is the act of slapping someone using the back of your hand....also known as the turkey slap."
And if you plan on losing at the tables...make sure to wear a condom so you dont get an STD from the dirty slut that we all know as POKER.
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