Here's the thing, I've been working the night shift for the past 3 months...My days are freaking backwards man. I start to melt when i get in contact with the sun. Because of this i have decided to morph into a new poker alter ego that i feel suits me more.
This is the last post of Dr. Blunt....
From now on I shall be known as ZOMBIE BLUNT.
I like that name better and it seems to be more suitable to my current situation. The only way to kill a zombie is to shoot him in the head. I'm gonna be the first zombie to wear a helmet...then i'll be able to live search of nice brains to eat.
This is Zombie blunt signing off.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The Legend of the first live filipino Blogger tournament

A small group of friends decide to go to the beach for a weekend. During the first night they all gather around a nice bonfire. The sound of the waves gently crahsing the shore and the stars lighting up the night sky.
The friends begin taking turns telling great stories. Starting off with stories of funny expereinces they've had over the years..leading to the usual scary stories about haunted houses in the provinces and stuff. Its a great time and the group is having a blast.
Then something strange happens...a stoned looking stranger who happens to be walking along the beach sees the happy group sitting around the fire. The stranger approaches and without saying a word he takes an empty seat. Everyone is quiet and is wondering why all of a sudden a stranger sat down in front of them.
just as the silence around the bonfire becomes unbearably awkward, the stranger opens his mouth and begins to speak....
Stranger: This is the tale of The legend of the first live filipino Blogger tournament.
There once lived a group of people who against all odds...forged together to play one of the best poker games in the universe as we know it.
Many say the odds were against them. Nature tried to stop them from coming by conjuring up a super-typhoon. But even this couldnt stop 20 fine bloggers from showing up to play some fine poker.
Sad to say only a few have an idea of what exactly transpired that night...some may say it was just a bunch of people drinking and playing cards. But i say it was a night wherein a group of people were able to understand and bond with one another. A night wherein a simple card game was able to bring together a group of people who probably wouldve never met otherwise.
How do i know about this wonderful legend...because I am Dr. Blunt and (in the words of Barb)
....I lived it.
The stranger stands up and takes a deep breath and begins to walk away. The group of friends around the fire remain silent for a minute or two with deep-thinking looks on thier faces...
Then one them says: "geez,what a freaking psycho."
The friends begin taking turns telling great stories. Starting off with stories of funny expereinces they've had over the years..leading to the usual scary stories about haunted houses in the provinces and stuff. Its a great time and the group is having a blast.
Then something strange happens...a stoned looking stranger who happens to be walking along the beach sees the happy group sitting around the fire. The stranger approaches and without saying a word he takes an empty seat. Everyone is quiet and is wondering why all of a sudden a stranger sat down in front of them.
just as the silence around the bonfire becomes unbearably awkward, the stranger opens his mouth and begins to speak....
Stranger: This is the tale of The legend of the first live filipino Blogger tournament.
There once lived a group of people who against all odds...forged together to play one of the best poker games in the universe as we know it.
Many say the odds were against them. Nature tried to stop them from coming by conjuring up a super-typhoon. But even this couldnt stop 20 fine bloggers from showing up to play some fine poker.
Sad to say only a few have an idea of what exactly transpired that night...some may say it was just a bunch of people drinking and playing cards. But i say it was a night wherein a group of people were able to understand and bond with one another. A night wherein a simple card game was able to bring together a group of people who probably wouldve never met otherwise.
How do i know about this wonderful legend...because I am Dr. Blunt and (in the words of Barb)
....I lived it.
The stranger stands up and takes a deep breath and begins to walk away. The group of friends around the fire remain silent for a minute or two with deep-thinking looks on thier faces...
Then one them says: "geez,what a freaking psycho."
oh and if there some grammar and spelling mistakes in this post...please bear with me, i was hella stoned when i was writing it.
Peace...lets all gather together nice toight and have a group hug.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Poker is.......
Poker is....a dirty SLUT that's only in it for the money.
with that in mind....
A good player uses the Dirty Slut wisely and can therefore consider themselves a" poker pimp"
A bad player pays the dirty slut for sex and goes home broke with a chance of a brand spanking new STD.
So if you want to be a good poker player practice your "pimp slap" often.. (SLAP DAT SHIT)
"a pimp slap is the act of slapping someone using the back of your hand....also known as the turkey slap."
And if you plan on losing at the tables...make sure to wear a condom so you dont get an STD from the dirty slut that we all know as POKER.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
in hibernation...
Thoughts from Dr.Blunt....
It's been more than 2 months since i've played poker in an actual card room. The last tournament i joined was a last ditch effort to come up with the bankroll for me and my fellow poker detectives. I almost made it to the final table but busted out 11th. I knew exactly how i lost it...i changed gears at the wrong times. Played too tight when i shouldve been loose...played overly agressive, too a point where it was obvious I was trying to buy my way out.
What's weird is, losing the tournament turned out to be a blessing in the sense that it forced me to a job. I end up getting lucky and land a great job for a US based compnay that just put up a back office here in the Philippines. The pay is good, i literally have days when i do nothing but surf the internet and my boss is really cool. The only problem is, i got the night shift so i cant hit the tables. Like by the weekend i miss my girlfriend and my friends so i always hangout with them instead of playing poker. I do miss playing in real poker clubs tho, there just isnt enough time.
I know eventually i'll hit the scene again regularly. In the meantime i'll continue to daydreaming about the tables.
a quote from rounders....
MIKE: In Confessions of a Winning Poker Player, Jack King said, "Few players recall big pots they have won -- strange as it seems -- but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career." Seems true to me, 'cause walking in here I can hardly remember how I built my bankroll, but I can't stop thinking how I lost it.
It's been more than 2 months since i've played poker in an actual card room. The last tournament i joined was a last ditch effort to come up with the bankroll for me and my fellow poker detectives. I almost made it to the final table but busted out 11th. I knew exactly how i lost it...i changed gears at the wrong times. Played too tight when i shouldve been loose...played overly agressive, too a point where it was obvious I was trying to buy my way out.
What's weird is, losing the tournament turned out to be a blessing in the sense that it forced me to a job. I end up getting lucky and land a great job for a US based compnay that just put up a back office here in the Philippines. The pay is good, i literally have days when i do nothing but surf the internet and my boss is really cool. The only problem is, i got the night shift so i cant hit the tables. Like by the weekend i miss my girlfriend and my friends so i always hangout with them instead of playing poker. I do miss playing in real poker clubs tho, there just isnt enough time.
I know eventually i'll hit the scene again regularly. In the meantime i'll continue to daydreaming about the tables.
a quote from rounders....
MIKE: In Confessions of a Winning Poker Player, Jack King said, "Few players recall big pots they have won -- strange as it seems -- but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career." Seems true to me, 'cause walking in here I can hardly remember how I built my bankroll, but I can't stop thinking how I lost it.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Stuff to think about.....

A great find by Dr.Blunt...
I didnt write this but i found it really interesting. It was posted by a guy named "Peter Popper" in "Hipforums" under the topic entitled "mind fucks."
The entire universe is mind-like in nature, created out of living, conscious, intelligent energy - everything including thoughts in your mind, cells in your body, plants, animals, weather, money, planets and galaxies. We live in this Infinite Ocean of Living Intelligent Energy and moreover - because we comprise it, we are It. Quantum physicists speak of it as quantum reality, spiritual traditions as spiritual reality (God, Tao, etc), and what you need to keep in mind is that it permeates what we call "physical reality", too.
Everything is interconnected - and that is why you already are influencing everything - from your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing to someone else's - regardless of whether that someone else is physically present or not. Remember? The universe in which we live is mind-like in nature. The moment you think a thought, you are exerting an influence (energy follows thought). The extent of your influence will depend upon the energy invested in the thought you think, and any other relevant thought.
Hypnosis is an art because there is infinite number of ways in which you can play with and alter subjective reality - yours, or someone else's. The secret of successful self-hypnosis is in learning how to play the game of pretending really well. You choose what you want to experience and pretend that it is real for you now.
The truth is - you have been playing this game your entire life - perhaps unconsciously and unknowingly. To be sure, people around you helped - in different ways they influenced how you should think and act and feel - and then you continued to make your choices and created experiences that validated the perception of the world you accepted. In time you set up a feed-back loop - you think a thought, then look for something in the external world to validate it and confirm it. This in turn, reinforces the original thought, and as the same pattern repeats, you reinforce your chosen beliefs about reality. Your beliefs then influence your experience of reality automatically. If you don't like what you are experiencing you can begin by changing your thoughts by choosing what you want to experience and taking care and control of your mind.
If you don't care to take control of your mind, others will do their best to do it for you. It begins with your parents who most often do have your best interests at heart, though they can only teach you what they have learned. It then continues with educational institutions whose main interest is in turning you into a socially-productive individual who will pledge allegiance to and feel dependent upon the external world or rather the powers that govern the specific country. It is not in their interest to turn you into a fearless human being who is fully aware of and capable of using his mental faculties, who knows that his thoughts create his reality, because then you cannot be controlled and manipulated. It is in their interest to keep you feeling slightly anxious, afraid, slightly inadequate, insecure, and helpless - feeling good enough to be socially productive, but not so good that you stop participating in a never-ending chain of purchasing pills and goodies that will at least for a few moments make you feel a little bit better. In this way you keep on fueling economy, which is good for the country.
That's why, after you get sufficiently brainwashed through the schooling system, you get more helpings through daily newspapers, news and TV programs. In this way, your mind gets a new daily dose of programming with fresh disasters in the world, lest you forget that there is a possible danger lurking behind every corner. You get more helpings through flashy advertisements. They are all happily programming your subconscious mind, whether you are aware of it or not.
Companies are investing billions of dollars each year on advertising because it is a wonderful way of hypnotizing people - of influencing people's thoughts and emotions - and it works. When you keep on flashing an idea - whether through words, pictures, music, movies or any other form - day in and day out - it becomes so familiar to the people that they accept it as their own.
You can do the same for yourself - by flashing to yourself ideas of the things you desire to experience in your life and out of the infinite ways in which you can do this here are just a few - choosing the thoughts you think, working with affirmations, using hypnosis recordings, hanging out with people who have accomplished what you desire to accomplish, choosing what you read and what you watch, choosing the songs you listen to, making treasure maps and essentially surrounding yourself with anything that helps you to keep your mind focused on your desired outcome - as if it were already a part of your life now. You are the only person responsible for your life. Let go of the past and embrace your power to create the life you'd enjoy living now.
I didnt write this but i found it really interesting. It was posted by a guy named "Peter Popper" in "Hipforums" under the topic entitled "mind fucks."
The entire universe is mind-like in nature, created out of living, conscious, intelligent energy - everything including thoughts in your mind, cells in your body, plants, animals, weather, money, planets and galaxies. We live in this Infinite Ocean of Living Intelligent Energy and moreover - because we comprise it, we are It. Quantum physicists speak of it as quantum reality, spiritual traditions as spiritual reality (God, Tao, etc), and what you need to keep in mind is that it permeates what we call "physical reality", too.
Everything is interconnected - and that is why you already are influencing everything - from your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing to someone else's - regardless of whether that someone else is physically present or not. Remember? The universe in which we live is mind-like in nature. The moment you think a thought, you are exerting an influence (energy follows thought). The extent of your influence will depend upon the energy invested in the thought you think, and any other relevant thought.
Hypnosis is an art because there is infinite number of ways in which you can play with and alter subjective reality - yours, or someone else's. The secret of successful self-hypnosis is in learning how to play the game of pretending really well. You choose what you want to experience and pretend that it is real for you now.
The truth is - you have been playing this game your entire life - perhaps unconsciously and unknowingly. To be sure, people around you helped - in different ways they influenced how you should think and act and feel - and then you continued to make your choices and created experiences that validated the perception of the world you accepted. In time you set up a feed-back loop - you think a thought, then look for something in the external world to validate it and confirm it. This in turn, reinforces the original thought, and as the same pattern repeats, you reinforce your chosen beliefs about reality. Your beliefs then influence your experience of reality automatically. If you don't like what you are experiencing you can begin by changing your thoughts by choosing what you want to experience and taking care and control of your mind.
If you don't care to take control of your mind, others will do their best to do it for you. It begins with your parents who most often do have your best interests at heart, though they can only teach you what they have learned. It then continues with educational institutions whose main interest is in turning you into a socially-productive individual who will pledge allegiance to and feel dependent upon the external world or rather the powers that govern the specific country. It is not in their interest to turn you into a fearless human being who is fully aware of and capable of using his mental faculties, who knows that his thoughts create his reality, because then you cannot be controlled and manipulated. It is in their interest to keep you feeling slightly anxious, afraid, slightly inadequate, insecure, and helpless - feeling good enough to be socially productive, but not so good that you stop participating in a never-ending chain of purchasing pills and goodies that will at least for a few moments make you feel a little bit better. In this way you keep on fueling economy, which is good for the country.
That's why, after you get sufficiently brainwashed through the schooling system, you get more helpings through daily newspapers, news and TV programs. In this way, your mind gets a new daily dose of programming with fresh disasters in the world, lest you forget that there is a possible danger lurking behind every corner. You get more helpings through flashy advertisements. They are all happily programming your subconscious mind, whether you are aware of it or not.
Companies are investing billions of dollars each year on advertising because it is a wonderful way of hypnotizing people - of influencing people's thoughts and emotions - and it works. When you keep on flashing an idea - whether through words, pictures, music, movies or any other form - day in and day out - it becomes so familiar to the people that they accept it as their own.
You can do the same for yourself - by flashing to yourself ideas of the things you desire to experience in your life and out of the infinite ways in which you can do this here are just a few - choosing the thoughts you think, working with affirmations, using hypnosis recordings, hanging out with people who have accomplished what you desire to accomplish, choosing what you read and what you watch, choosing the songs you listen to, making treasure maps and essentially surrounding yourself with anything that helps you to keep your mind focused on your desired outcome - as if it were already a part of your life now. You are the only person responsible for your life. Let go of the past and embrace your power to create the life you'd enjoy living now.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Hardcore Days and Softcore Nights (by the Ladies Man)
I was in Bicol last weekend. It was hard to believe that I wasn’t doing my weekend habit of going to embassy. At first, I felt like I was lost. Instead of seeing the usual faces and people dancing to loud music, I was in my friend’s car listening to alternative music with no alcoholic beverage in sight. It was tough but I knew I was in for something more real and more meaningful.
The trip was 6 hours. But it was 6 long hours of good company and a decent conversation. No alcoholic beverage in the world can beat that. We left Manila at sundown and got there just before sunrise. It was a beautiful sight to see. I haven’t felt free for the longest time. Seeing the sun, hearing the waves crash along the shore and the gentle breeze made it all worthwhile. I was at peace and I felt as if I didn’t have any problems at all, but who doesn’t? We all do… and ironically, that’s the beauty of life. I’ll get back to you on that.
We checked out CWC (Camsur Water Complex) later that day. I was surprised when I saw the place. It was beautiful plus the food was great. The stoner that I am, I rolled 2 blunts and hit it before ordering. Food is always better when you’re stoned. Haha. Anyway, the wakeboarding facilities were great. I can honestly say its “world-class”. Watching people get all wired doing tricks and getting wiped out was fun. I wanted to try it out but I was hella sick man.
I had a fever and my colds f*cking sucked! Luckily, we brought a huge amount of grass. I can survive a whole trip with weed alone. And it’s the truth. Haha. After CWC, we ate in this place which kinda reminded me of behrouz (C’mon man, nothing beats behrouz). All you need is 3 joints, 250 bucks and you’re all set for one sumptuous meal of buttered rice, 2 beef kebabs, and the best damn white sauce there is! Back to our trip, we went to the beach early the next day. My bestfriend and his driver went surfing while I was just in the bungalow smoking some pot. It was nearing supper so we thought of buying food and cooking it by the beach. We bought coal, gas, rice, soy sauce, calamansi and one big ass fish. It was hella good and the price blew me away. It was only P250 and its good for 7 people. We just used banana leaves as our plates and ate the Filipino way: with our hands. Pinoy pride baby! After the meal, we had a couple of grandma shots (grand matador) and smoked some bud again. I never thought I’d have so much fun…
A simple weekend away from manila can be an “eye-opening” experience. I learned a lot when I went to Bicol. Life is a journey. It’s filled with tons of surprises. Some good, some bad but whatever it may be, you just have to roll with the punches. Live life, day in and day out and without regrets. We all deserve the best quality of life there is, and if you haven’t found paradise, pareng Leo will tell you this: “ I know it's not some place you can look for.. Cause it's not where you go… It's how you feel for a moment in your life... And if you find that moment..IT
It's been a pleasure...ladies man signing off.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
How to get a free meal in Behrouz Metro walk...

All you need is P5000 and some balls...
Beside Metro Walk they have one of those E-Casino places..its right beside the billiards place Gutsons. They're open 24 hours a day. Anyway, inorder to win a free meal at Behrouz that usually costs P250 is to use your P5000 and a thing called progressive friends and I call it "the system." At E-casino you're allowed to bet a minimum of P25 at war and black jack...all you have to do is bet P25...
if you win bet P25 again...
if you lose bet P50....
if you lose again bet P100
if you lose again bet P200
if you lose again bet P400
if you lose again bet P800 (your balls should be hard at work by now sir)
if you lose again (highly unlikely you'l lose 6 coin tosses in a row) bet P1600
Just make sure that everytime you win, go back to betting if you're already betting P200 and you win, make sure your next bet is P25. And make sure you use this system at games that are 50/50. Like sometimes I play this dice game where you just bet over or under.
Anyways, I've done this system like 5 times already and its alway paid for my food at Behrouz, the key is to walk away when youre up P250 which usually takes 10mins. One time i was able to make P1k turn into P5k just by using the system and it took around 30mins.
A word of caution tho, this plan really isnt full proof, I mean I heard that the worst run a guy had in vegas was losing 22 hands in a row or something. But it seems to work alot when you use it to pay for Behrouz. The gambling gods must like persian food or something.haha
Beside Metro Walk they have one of those E-Casino places..its right beside the billiards place Gutsons. They're open 24 hours a day. Anyway, inorder to win a free meal at Behrouz that usually costs P250 is to use your P5000 and a thing called progressive friends and I call it "the system." At E-casino you're allowed to bet a minimum of P25 at war and black jack...all you have to do is bet P25...
if you win bet P25 again...
if you lose bet P50....
if you lose again bet P100
if you lose again bet P200
if you lose again bet P400
if you lose again bet P800 (your balls should be hard at work by now sir)
if you lose again (highly unlikely you'l lose 6 coin tosses in a row) bet P1600
if you lose again bet P3200 (start proud that your balls have held up...and dont blame me if you lose, you make your own choices) hehe
Just make sure that everytime you win, go back to betting if you're already betting P200 and you win, make sure your next bet is P25. And make sure you use this system at games that are 50/50. Like sometimes I play this dice game where you just bet over or under.
Anyways, I've done this system like 5 times already and its alway paid for my food at Behrouz, the key is to walk away when youre up P250 which usually takes 10mins. One time i was able to make P1k turn into P5k just by using the system and it took around 30mins.
A word of caution tho, this plan really isnt full proof, I mean I heard that the worst run a guy had in vegas was losing 22 hands in a row or something. But it seems to work alot when you use it to pay for Behrouz. The gambling gods must like persian food or something.haha
Dr.Blunt: Can i have one yoghurt shake...and one order of brain please?
Waiter: Nope, you look to stoned
Dr.Blunt: Ok sir (afterwards i give the waiter a stone cold stunner)
Dr.Blunt: And that's the bottom line cuz Dr.Blunt said so
See you at Behrouz...hope "The system" paid for your meal.
Dr.Blunt signing off
Why are we here...? (deep thoughts on a thinking high)
Have you ever found yourself sitting at a poker table or anywhere else and think to yourself "Why the hell are we here?" i dont know if its just me but i think about this all the time and everytime i think about it i usually come up with the same answer.
To be the person you want to be...
Its as simple as that...we have the freedom to choose the person we want to become. I'm not saying that you should choose to be like someone else, but rather to choose the best version of yourself. If you dont like who you've become or the way you see the world, just realize you have the power to change into someone better. I've read some of the other blogs an alot of posts are about trying to be healthy..this is just an example of what i'm talking about. When you realize you dont like what you've become, do yourself a favor and do something about it. If you dont, you're throwing your life away sir. The goal of your life should be to be the person you really really really want to be. And you do this thru the actions you make, the way you interact with people, and the decisions you make...and try to follow this simlpe rule in making decisions..whenever you make a decision just ask yourself....
Is this who i want to be....?
Deciding whether to go to the gym:
"do i want to be someone who lives healthy life?" Yes sir.
Deciding whether to cheat on your girlfriend:
"do i want to be someone who cheats?" Nope
Deciding whether to approach a hot girl in a bar:
"do i want to be a player or a guy the watching from the sidelines?" Lets play sir
Deciding what to do when you flop the nuts:
"do i want to be someone who knows how to milk a pot?" yes sir, check..
Deciding whether to smoke some bud:
"do i want to be someone who uses a natural herb to get high and relax...a high that makes food taste better...that makes things funnier...that has no bad long term side effects (according to an article in business week magazine)...that makes me play poker better...that makes me sleep better and many more...?" yes sir, may i have a blunt please...hahaha
Smokes a regular sized joint rolled with strawberry papers...
Well anyways, ive pretty much lost track of what this post is about...all i know is, if youre reading this post here's the best advice i can give you..Live your dream, dont waste your life letting life push you around...push back and live the life you want...dont just get a desk job cuz its what everyone does and it pays good...get a job that you love...if you have to get a desk job, dont settle fot that your whole life, try to make your own business or the dream or die trying people.
And one more proud of the Philippines please, Pinoy's kick ass and one day we will rule the world...think about it, we've got pinoys everywhere in the spies. hahaha One day we'l get our act together here in our home country..we can do it people. Lets start by representing in the poker world.
Dr. Blunt signing off for now....I'm too stoned to write any other stuff, i think i'll look for something to eat...i feel like eating dim sum..jade palace anyone?
Sir, please Load the bong...
To be the person you want to be...
Its as simple as that...we have the freedom to choose the person we want to become. I'm not saying that you should choose to be like someone else, but rather to choose the best version of yourself. If you dont like who you've become or the way you see the world, just realize you have the power to change into someone better. I've read some of the other blogs an alot of posts are about trying to be healthy..this is just an example of what i'm talking about. When you realize you dont like what you've become, do yourself a favor and do something about it. If you dont, you're throwing your life away sir. The goal of your life should be to be the person you really really really want to be. And you do this thru the actions you make, the way you interact with people, and the decisions you make...and try to follow this simlpe rule in making decisions..whenever you make a decision just ask yourself....
Is this who i want to be....?
Deciding whether to go to the gym:
"do i want to be someone who lives healthy life?" Yes sir.
Deciding whether to cheat on your girlfriend:
"do i want to be someone who cheats?" Nope
Deciding whether to approach a hot girl in a bar:
"do i want to be a player or a guy the watching from the sidelines?" Lets play sir
Deciding what to do when you flop the nuts:
"do i want to be someone who knows how to milk a pot?" yes sir, check..
Deciding whether to smoke some bud:
"do i want to be someone who uses a natural herb to get high and relax...a high that makes food taste better...that makes things funnier...that has no bad long term side effects (according to an article in business week magazine)...that makes me play poker better...that makes me sleep better and many more...?" yes sir, may i have a blunt please...hahaha
Smokes a regular sized joint rolled with strawberry papers...
Well anyways, ive pretty much lost track of what this post is about...all i know is, if youre reading this post here's the best advice i can give you..Live your dream, dont waste your life letting life push you around...push back and live the life you want...dont just get a desk job cuz its what everyone does and it pays good...get a job that you love...if you have to get a desk job, dont settle fot that your whole life, try to make your own business or the dream or die trying people.
And one more proud of the Philippines please, Pinoy's kick ass and one day we will rule the world...think about it, we've got pinoys everywhere in the spies. hahaha One day we'l get our act together here in our home country..we can do it people. Lets start by representing in the poker world.
Dr. Blunt signing off for now....I'm too stoned to write any other stuff, i think i'll look for something to eat...i feel like eating dim sum..jade palace anyone?
Sir, please Load the bong...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Taking a Bong Hit...Flopping a full boat...solving crimes
This is Dr.Blunt Reporting for duty after smoking a medium sized j...
Just got my first paycheque from my new company. Wooohooo! I actually feel kinda guilty accepting the money because for the past 2 weeks i havent been doing shit at work except surf on the net and chat with friends. Dont think that im some lazy ass free loader..the truth is its really not my fault, the guy who's suppose to train me is all the way in the states and he's still waiting for our HR dept here to hire one more person before traning starts. I aint complaining tho, i get to go on 4 hour lunch breaks and its all good. Anyway..the thing that excites me the most is that its the first step to my P50000 online bankroll. Fuck, i cant wait to hit that shit. In the meantime i'll probably set up some P500 home games over the weekend...and win me some gas money haha. Lets solve some poker crimes people...
Just got my first paycheque from my new company. Wooohooo! I actually feel kinda guilty accepting the money because for the past 2 weeks i havent been doing shit at work except surf on the net and chat with friends. Dont think that im some lazy ass free loader..the truth is its really not my fault, the guy who's suppose to train me is all the way in the states and he's still waiting for our HR dept here to hire one more person before traning starts. I aint complaining tho, i get to go on 4 hour lunch breaks and its all good. Anyway..the thing that excites me the most is that its the first step to my P50000 online bankroll. Fuck, i cant wait to hit that shit. In the meantime i'll probably set up some P500 home games over the weekend...and win me some gas money haha. Lets solve some poker crimes people...
(Goes to Sir. Hash-beens house to smoke up a nice spliff)
Watched one of the sickest hands in poker I've ever seen on a website...the title of the clip was "the bigggest pot in high stakes poker." The two players in the hand were Gus Hansen and Daniel Negreanu. Gus had pocket 5's, Daniel pocket 6's. Flop comes x,5,6. Gus bets at it...Daniel calls..Turn comes the last 5...Gus bets at it...Daniel checks...River comes a danger card for someone chasin a flush draw or a straight draw...Gus Checks...Daniel bets...Gus re-raises all-in...Daniel loses around half a million dollars. I didnt really get into the details cuz you gotta see it for yourself, i think i saw it on "you tube" or another one of those tv sites. Now i doubt this hadn is the highest pot ever lost in poker but losing half a million sure looks like it hurts...The sad thing is it happens twice to Daniel Negreanu, in another hand he flops the nut straight while someone hits the four of a kind on the turn...poor guy.
Watched one of the sickest hands in poker I've ever seen on a website...the title of the clip was "the bigggest pot in high stakes poker." The two players in the hand were Gus Hansen and Daniel Negreanu. Gus had pocket 5's, Daniel pocket 6's. Flop comes x,5,6. Gus bets at it...Daniel calls..Turn comes the last 5...Gus bets at it...Daniel checks...River comes a danger card for someone chasin a flush draw or a straight draw...Gus Checks...Daniel bets...Gus re-raises all-in...Daniel loses around half a million dollars. I didnt really get into the details cuz you gotta see it for yourself, i think i saw it on "you tube" or another one of those tv sites. Now i doubt this hadn is the highest pot ever lost in poker but losing half a million sure looks like it hurts...The sad thing is it happens twice to Daniel Negreanu, in another hand he flops the nut straight while someone hits the four of a kind on the turn...poor guy.
Lets get something to eat....and make sure its something healthy biatch...
Dr.Blunt signing off
Take it east
Thursday, September 07, 2006
If poker were a guy named Pedro...i'd be Pedro's bitch
Hi, my name is Dr. Blunt and for the past year and a half I've had one freakishly wild relationship with poker. I don't even really know if this relationship is good or bad..all i know is at one point of my life poker became the driving force of almost all my actions. My mind was always thinking of when and where i could hit a table...and when i was actually at a table i couldn't think of any place I'd rather be. I know i sound like a poker addict and in reality i see now that i truly was. In fact the only reason why I've stopped playing is simply because of poor bank roll management. The funny thing is i'm positive that i've won more times than ive lost, its just that i tend to squander my winnings at tables where the stakes are too high.
(smokes a pipe load)
Now i know that the key to being a successful poker player is proper bank roll management. i had to learn this the hard way...but its all good, we make mistakes...i just gotta make sure i don't make the same mistake twice. Gotta build the proper bankroll and do things right.
I recently got a new job that pays really well compared to what most companies offer. The only drawback being the hours aren't poker friendly. Nope, its not a call center, but more of a back office for the headquarters back in the States. For the next three months my goal is to save up P50000 for my bankroll and put up an online account. I figure playing online will allow me to keep my job and at the same time enable the freedom to play poker at convenient times. I'm gonna miss hitting the live games tho, hopefully I'll get to pass by the places i used to play every now and then.
I've always been a faithful reader of the Filipino poker blogs. I've learned a lot from their posts and I gotta give respect to what they're doing. I thinks its really cool of them to share their experiences while at the same time offer good advice to those who ask. Hopefully this blog will be just as successful. I don't consider myself the best poker player out there, but I'd be happy to share my opinions and thoughts on certain poker topics and "what to do situations."
I wont be the only person putting up posts on this blog, rather there are 5 of us who will share our poker story to anyone who views this blog. If you don't already know we call ourselves the "Stoner poker detectives" and as the name implies, we do enjoy playing poker as well as smoking up some bud. In fact almost 90% of the time we play poker we're hella stoned. We call ourselves detectives because we like to compare poker situations to crime scenes...cuz if you think about it the two are similar in a lot of ways. Just read the little write up about who we are (located on the upper right of the screen) and you'll undesrstand. You'd be surprise of the amazing things you can think of when your stoned, I'll be sharing a lot of these stoner thoughts on this blog. These are the types of topics we'll be you can count on a lot of poker and weed friendly articles on this blog.
This is Dr.Blunt signing off for now. Peace
(smokes another pipe load and drives off to Behrouz to eat Beef Kebabs and ice cream)
(smokes a pipe load)
Now i know that the key to being a successful poker player is proper bank roll management. i had to learn this the hard way...but its all good, we make mistakes...i just gotta make sure i don't make the same mistake twice. Gotta build the proper bankroll and do things right.
I recently got a new job that pays really well compared to what most companies offer. The only drawback being the hours aren't poker friendly. Nope, its not a call center, but more of a back office for the headquarters back in the States. For the next three months my goal is to save up P50000 for my bankroll and put up an online account. I figure playing online will allow me to keep my job and at the same time enable the freedom to play poker at convenient times. I'm gonna miss hitting the live games tho, hopefully I'll get to pass by the places i used to play every now and then.
I've always been a faithful reader of the Filipino poker blogs. I've learned a lot from their posts and I gotta give respect to what they're doing. I thinks its really cool of them to share their experiences while at the same time offer good advice to those who ask. Hopefully this blog will be just as successful. I don't consider myself the best poker player out there, but I'd be happy to share my opinions and thoughts on certain poker topics and "what to do situations."
I wont be the only person putting up posts on this blog, rather there are 5 of us who will share our poker story to anyone who views this blog. If you don't already know we call ourselves the "Stoner poker detectives" and as the name implies, we do enjoy playing poker as well as smoking up some bud. In fact almost 90% of the time we play poker we're hella stoned. We call ourselves detectives because we like to compare poker situations to crime scenes...cuz if you think about it the two are similar in a lot of ways. Just read the little write up about who we are (located on the upper right of the screen) and you'll undesrstand. You'd be surprise of the amazing things you can think of when your stoned, I'll be sharing a lot of these stoner thoughts on this blog. These are the types of topics we'll be you can count on a lot of poker and weed friendly articles on this blog.
This is Dr.Blunt signing off for now. Peace
(smokes another pipe load and drives off to Behrouz to eat Beef Kebabs and ice cream)
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